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School of Music

Discovery why 92Y School of Music is the perfect place to learn a new instrument

“For four years I have had the pleasure of learning from some of the best teachers at the 92Y. When I was a little boy, I had always dreamed of being a musician in a band. While I have pursued another dream to become a physician, the 92Y faculty has afforded me the opportunity to finally pursue a childhood passion. Taking the varied music classes at the 92Y has allowed me to become a vocalist and guitarist in a band I have started in New York City, Punch for Zero.

Working with Ann Klein, I have learned the art of music and lyrical writing, even recording a song “Runaway” which I wrote during the class. I am currently completing the music theory course with Louis Rosen, and have used his teachings in many of the new compositions I am working on. Both Lauri Galbreth and Ed Maceachen have improved my vocal and guitar playing skills … I appreciate all the teaching and dedication the 92Y faculty have provided to the NYC community so we can fulfill our childhood dreams …”
 — Amitabh, Music Student and Guitarist and Lead Vocalist, Punch for Zero

“Learning to play piano and read music at age 65 has been a life-changing experience. Doing so has widened my horizons and added music as a new dimension to my life. Without the excellent instruction, support and encouragement of Tania Tachkova, my piano instructor at the SOM, 92nd Street Y, I would not have mastered the beginning skills needed to achieve my life-long dream of being able to play the piano. Such Fun!!”
 — Beverly, Piano Student 

“Watching the vast array of elements that go into a musical production now, at every level, fascinates me — from rhythm and diphthongs to understanding harmony and discovering how simple it is to learn a completely new song, once the most difficult bits are attacked first. The amazingly skillful and deeply talented musical direction is really what makes the difference. Thank you!”
 — Anil, Music Technology Student

Music Theory with Louis Rosen

"I decided to study music theory because I wanted to know more about music — specifically, I hoped it would give me some way of identifying what it was in classical music concerts that appealed to me. I wanted to learn how to read music and to have a better sense of what I was hearing. This is exactly how it has worked out and better. The overall effect is roughly the equivalent of learning how a magic trick is performed, but without losing the magic."
 — Ted, Music Theory Student

“Lou is simply the best teacher I ever had, and I feel fortunate to be able to study with him at this time in my life … Attending concerts now, especially if I have studied one or two of the works presented, is also a richer experience for me. Thank you, Lou, and thank you to the 92Y School of Music.”
 — Lynn , Music Theory Student

“I was fortunate to have had LR as a one-on-one theory teacher for four years, from when I was 14 until I went off to conservatory. During that time we worked through two books … as well as counterpoint and composition. When I got to conservatory, I tested out of four semesters of harmony/keyboard and ear training/sight singing and began taking graduate-level classes as a freshman. More importantly, LR bequeathed upon me a tremendous love for the materials of music. The knowledge gained in those four years comes in handy every day, in my parallel careers as a performing violinist and an arranger/orchestrator and composer. My time with LR has helped me greatly in my road towards being a good musician. I am eternally grateful.”
 — Maxim, Music Theory Student

“Lou's knowledge and presentation of music theory has impressed me for 5 years. The Gershwin class I still listen to on tape. In addition, Lou's coverage of theory fundamentals, Bach, Beethoven, Beatles, Mozart, Schubert have all been good. I feel fortunate being in the program.”
 — Dave, Music Theory Student

"In Louis Rosen's class, I feel free to express my deep connection to the music we are listening to … [Rosen’s] ability to translate songs, symphonies and quartets leads his students to more fully enjoy the music we examine."
 — Esta, Music Theory Student 

Thank you to the generous supporters of the School of Music.

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For private lessons, please fill out our Private Lesson Inquiry Form.

Office Hours
Monday – Friday: 9 am – 6:30 pm
Saturday – closed
Sunday – 10 am – 5 pm

Please note that all 92Y regularly scheduled in-person programs are suspended.