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The Himan Brown Program — 92NY’s community for individuals 60+

Lifelong learning, community and connection

Our program supports a caring community of members, who in turn support each other — especially during Covid. In addition to our growth groups on Zoom facilitated by licensed social workers, Himan Brown’s 60+ members keep in touch with each other to provide mutual assistance and good cheer.

92NY provides a community space in Warburg Lounge for our members to congregate. The Lounge is open Monday through Friday from 9 am to 4 pm for members to relax, socialize, eat lunch, play Bridge, Mah Jongg, Canasta and Chess.

In the past, many of our members chose to give back to the greater community through volunteer activities. Our knitters and crocheters created hats and scarves, which were donated to children and adults at hospitals and care centers nationwide. To date, we have donated over 6,000 hats. Other members participated in seasonal drives organized by our Social Action Committee. As our in-person program regains momentum, we plan on resuming these important outreach activities.

Thank you to the generous supporters of the Himan Brown Program.

92NY Himan Brown Program is endowed by a generous grant from the Himan Brown Charitable Trust.

Major support for the Himan Brown Program is provided by the Lorraine Buch Music Appreciation Fund; Charina Endowment Fund; The Derfner Foundation; Richard P. Fishman and Marny Cherkasky; The Goatie Foundation; the Estate of Florence C. Golly; Madaleine and Arnold z”l Penner in memory of Rosalind Cohen Joelson; Richard H. Rubinstein; Lilian Sicular in memory of David R. Sicular; The Kathryn W. Stein Endowment; and an anonymous donor.

Additional support is provided by the Ginette Becker French Education Fund; Kate Arleen Bressler; Bonnie and Kenneth Davis; The Margot and Adolph Friedlander Endowment; Judith Fryer and Daniel Biggs; The Mildred and Emanuel Goldberg Endowment; Shirley M. Henschel; Joan M. Leiman; and The Dorothy and Sol Smolen Endowment.


Contact Us

For registration information, please contact the Himan Brown Program office: 212.699.7261 / email

Please note that all 92Y regularly scheduled in-person programs are suspended.